
Don't Forget //

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Lo-fi BBD reverb

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Bass For Your Face

Mulligan 2.0 In Development

A brief update on the future of Mulligan.

Tape Op on Mulligan

Mulligan Plug-In Control App

May 2023

Touted as a “hands-on plug-in control for Pro Tools,” this standalone application could be a frustration-killer for anyone who finds themselves tweaking the multitude of parameters within plug-ins via mouse or trackball. It also opens up the possibilities of two-handed (or more) control when setting parameters, like recording automation for delays with regeneration and time modulation all happening at the same time.
I love that when I open a plug-in with my mouse that a hardware button will be there to instantly solo/un-solo that channel. This alone sped up mixing. My left hand would be soloing and tweaking the plug-in while my right hand was ready at the mouse.

To read the full review, visit the Tape Op site.